1st – 4th grade
5th – 7th grade

Digital book in science. Listen to and read stories in Norwegian, Somali, Tigrinya and Arabic.

An introductory text about different natural land areas. The text has been translated into different languages.
8th – 10th grade

Atomer og molekyler
An introductory text about atoms and molecules. Includes translations in several languages, not English.

Filmer om klima
Watch short films about the climate in Norwegian and your mother tongue. Do exercises.

Exercises in social studies, natural science, mathematics and English. Can be used without the textbook Grip.

Films and exercises about climate in different languages. Choose a language under the film on the right.

Learn about different topics in science, using texts and simple explanatory animations. Texts in Bokmål and Nynorsk only.

An introductory text about different natural land areas. The text has been translated into different languages.

Vei, fart og tid
An introductory text about distance, velocity and time. Includes translations in several languages, not English.