1st – 4th grade

Ansa og Bansa
Multilingual stories: Ansa and Bansa – a story from Pakistan. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Barnebøker norsk
Read children’s books. 40 stories with texts, images and sound in 15 languages, as well as both Bokmål and Nynorsk.

De ubudne gjestene
Multilingual stories: The uninvited guests – a story from Iran. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Den gigantiske nepen
Multilingual stories: The giant turnip. Read, listen and print your own book. The story is translated into many languages.

Multilingual stories: The Hat Seller – a story from Sri Lanka. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Heksen Dhegdheer
Multilingual stories: The Witch Dhegdheer – a story from Somalia. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Klar, ferdig, norsk
This is the web resource for Klar, ferdig, norsk, with a glossary in 26 languages.

NRK Super
Lesekorpset (TV show) Listen to sounds and learn the alphabet. Each letter has its own show.
5th – 7th grade

Ansa og Bansa
Multilingual stories: Ansa and Bansa – a story from Pakistan. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Barnebøker norsk
Read children’s books. 40 stories with texts, images and sound in 15 languages, as well as both Bokmål and Nynorsk.

De ubudne gjestene
Multilingual stories: The uninvited guests – a story from Iran. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Den gigantiske nepen
Multilingual stories: The giant turnip. Read, listen and print your own book. The story is translated into many languages.

Multilingual stories: The Hat Seller – a story from Sri Lanka. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Heksen Dhegdheer
Multilingual stories: The Witch Dhegdheer – a story from Somalia. Read, listen and watch the film. The story has been translated into several languages.

Klar, ferdig, norsk
This is the web resource for Klar, ferdig, norsk, with a glossary in 26 languages.

Norsk start 5-7
Beginner’s Norwegian in 3 levels. The website is a companion to the book Norsk start, but can also be used without the book.
8th – 10th grade

Barnebøker norsk
Read children’s books. 40 stories with texts, images and sound in 15 languages, as well as both Bokmål and Nynorsk.

Learn vocabulary from day one by looking at pictures, listening, reading and writing. Excerpts from the illustrated word bank. Various topics.

Book 2 – Language Learning Learn Norwegian and many other languages through the medium of English. Simply choose your language and get started!

First choose your mother tongue, then choose the language you want to learn. Phrase book, vocabulary etc

Klar, ferdig, norsk
This is the web resource for Klar, ferdig, norsk, with a glossary in 26 languages.

Kort forklart
31 digital books where you can learn science and social studies. Includes a glossary with support for 25 languages.

Norsk 8-10
On Elevkanalen’s Norwegian page, you can watch lots of videos and learn about writing, reading, speaking and other important topics for Norwegian class.

Norsk pluss ungdom
Learn vocabulary from day one by looking at pictures, listening, reading and writing. Excerpts from the illustrated word bank. Various topics.

Vi snakker
Learn Norwegian. Oral language practice and inspiring exercises. Everyday topics for all ages.